Klondike - Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich - Giant Cookie
走路回家時, 經過一家從外面就看得出來很簡陋的便利商店, 不過卻被外面的冰筒海報給吸引進去, 後來卻挑了冰淇淋三明治, 外側是用平常的尺寸的巧克力餅乾, 夾心則是香草冰淇淋, 除了跟其他冰淇淋三明治一樣, 到最後餅乾會慢慢地被冰淇淋泡到軟軟的, 多了巧克力粒的口感, 但是卻變得太甜膩.
When I was walking home, I passed buy a crappy looking convenient store, but I was attracted by the ice cream cone poster outside the store. But, I ended up picking a ice cream sandwich. The cookies were regular size chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream. It was same as other ice cream sandwich that the cookies would gradually get softer by the ice cream. The chocolate chips added different texture, but it also made it sweeter then others.