Kracie - Popin' Cookin' - I Like Sushi
Kracie - ポッピンクッキン - たのしいおすしやさん
去年夏天在夜市買的, 我遺忘到現在, 還好賞味期限到下個月, 趕緊動手.
I bought it in the night-market last summer and I totally forgot about it. The expired date was next month, so I better get it done now.
盒子背面有解說, 可是都是日文, 之前有看過影片, 所以應該不會太困難.
There was instruction on the back of the box, but it was all in Japanese. I watched the video before, so it shouldn't be too hard.
盒子內還有內袋, 雖然不知道為啥上下都需剪開, 我還是都剪了, 不過完全沒意義, 一邊就能把東西拿出來.
There ware another packaging inside. I don't understand why there was need to cut both side, but I still did. It was completely pointless. One opening was enough to get everything out.
The container had different mark for the amount of water needed.
步驟一: 把水和米飯粉攪和, 米飯粉有氣泡糖的味道
Step 1: Mix water with rice power that had the smelt of soda candy.
Step 2: Mix water with tamago(omelette) power in the tamago pattern slot.
Step 3: Mix water with tuna power in the tuna pattern slot.
步驟四: 把海苔拉到指定大小, 我到這裡才發現原來內袋上還有附註.
Step 4: Stretch the seaweed to specific size. I didn't know there were extra note until here.
步驟五: 將鮭魚卵A粉跟B粉分別與水或攪和在A格與B格, 再用吸管把A水滴入B水.
Step 5: Mixed ikura(Simon Roe) power A and B with water in the corresponded slot A and B. Then use pipette to transfer liquid A to liquid B by drops.
The drops formed the ikura (Simon Roe).
Finally I can start to make sushi.
先把煎蛋鮪魚切一半, 再疊在飯上, 其實煎蛋不怎麼像, 不過鮪魚還滿像的.
First I needed to cut the tamago and the tuna in half, then put them on the rice The tamago did not look good, but tuna worked really well.
海苔弄了好久才黏好, 不過放鮭魚卵的感覺很真實.
It took me a while to get the seaweed stick together, but putting ikura on was a realistic feeling.
最左邊的是把剩下的煎蛋跟鮪魚切碎, 在加上零碎的氣泡糖, 壽司飯吃起來像是氣泡糖口味的飯, 感覺有點詭異,另外可能是沒攪拌好, 煎蛋跟鮪魚有粉粉的口感, 鳳梨口味煎蛋的比較清淡, 而草莓口味的鮪魚是最甜的, 鮭魚卵則是橘子口味,口感極佳,有點像在吃真的鮭魚卵, 是裡面最好出來, 至於海苔則是葡萄口味的軟糖, 由於觸感很像口香糖, 我嚼了一會兒確定不是口香糖後才敢吞.
The one on the left was made from chopped tamago and tuna with soda candy sprinkles. The sushi rice tasted like real rice with soda candy flavour. It was kind of weird. Maybe I didn't mixed the tamago and tuna well enough, so they had a bit powdery testure. Pineapple flavoured tamago was light and strawberry flavoured tune was the sweetest. Ikura was orange flavoured and it did feel like eating real ikura. It was the best of all. The seaweed was grape flavoured chew candy. Because it felt like a gum, I didn't swallow it until I was sure it wasn't a gum.
hi can u let me know where to get this items? from
I think you can buy them from