Saturday, November 5, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0019

Coca Cola - Polar Bear Whit Can

In order to protect polar bear, Coca Cola has partnered with WWF and released a polar bear white can.

Coca Cola - Polar Bear White Can

Monday, October 31, 2011

Snack File No. 0037

Orbit Cookie - Haunted House House Kit - Chocolate Cookie

想不到吧, 薑餅屋這個梗換成了巧克力餅還能在萬聖節用, 不過配件跟房子不太一樣, 至少讓人不覺得騙錢.
It is unbelievable that gingerbread house trick still work on Halloween with the change of the chocolate cookie.  At least, the accessories and the house was different, so you don't feel been scammed.

Orbit Cookie - Haunted House House Kit - Chocolate Cookie

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0018

Ferrero - Ferrero Rondnoir

在台北機場轉機的時候看到, 因為之前只看過四粒裝或著混著金莎的盒裝, 沒看過24粒裝, 買3盒還有特價就狠下心買了3盒, 畢竟以金莎系列就屬黑莎是我的最愛.
I saw this while waiting transfer at Taipei Airport.  I only saw four pack or mixture of Ferrero Rocker and never saw a 24 pack before.  Besides, there were special deal for 3 boxes, so yes I did end up buying three boxes.  After all, Rondnoir is my favourite of all Ferrero.
 Ferrero - Ferrero Rondnoir

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Snack File No. 0036

乾坤農場 - 埔里酒香晶凍 - 白蘭地咖啡
Skyson Farm - Jelly - Brandy Coffee

本來到埔里參觀酒廠, 可惜到的時候已經太晚了, 只剩下商品區正忙著打烊, 被推銷了三盒, 一盒送人, 還剩下兩盒, 下次再介紹另一種口味.
By the time we arrived the Puli Brewery, it was too late for the tour and the gift shops were about to close.  I bought three boxes, but I give away 1 box.  I'll post the other flavour later.
乾坤農場 - 埔里酒香晶凍 - 白蘭地咖啡

Friday, September 9, 2011

Snack File No. 0035

華元 - 新炒麵 - 香蔥

回台灣時買了一堆零食,一整個行李箱裝得滿滿的, 開箱的時候, 發現這個被壓破了, 所以就成了第一個試吃品.
I bought a full luggage of snacks when I visited Taiwan.  When I unpack the luggage, I found this package was cracked.   This then became the first candidate.
華元 - 新炒麵 - 香蔥

Friday, August 5, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0017

Glico - Potato Spicky - Cheese

我搭在台灣高鐵時買的, 脆脆的口感加上適量的起司粉.
I bought it on the Taiwan High Speed Rail. It is crunchy cracker stick with nice touch of cheddar cheese.
Glico - Potato Spicky - Cheese

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0016

Gourmet Canadiana - Dark Chocolate - Covered Blueberry & Maple Syrup

在機場免稅店買的, 後來在另一家看到居然還有其他口味,草莓,蔓越梅,杏桃跟櫻桃, 雖然我還是會選藍梅啦,還是覺得有點悶, 果然買東西還是多看幾家, 本來想說好吃的話就多買幾包送人可是份量少到, 真的不適合送禮, 除了吃不出標榜的楓糖以外, 跟一般的葡萄乾巧克力差不多.

I bought it at the duty free store in the airport, but late I found more flavours of strawberry, cranberry, apricot and cherry in another store.  Although I would still end up picking blueberry, I just didn't feel right.  Just like the old saying, look around before you buy.  I was going to buy a few more as gifts if they are good, but the portion was so little that I didn't think that was suitable.  I didn't tasted any maple syrup like it stated on the package.  It was pretty similar to regular chocolate covered raisin.
Gourmet Canadiana - Dark Chocolate - Covered Blueberry & Maple Syrup

Friday, July 8, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0015

Ferrero - Nutella - Sample

郵局復工後的獎品, 以實品造型的設計真的很可愛, 明天得去買土司了, 雖然一個只有18公克.
It was a bonus for the post office going back to work.  The sample's design was based on the real bottle, and that was so cute.  I gotta get some toast tomorrow, although it was only 18g each.
Ferrero - Nutella - Sample

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0014

Tillamook Country Smoker - Teriyaki Jerky Chew - Shredded Beef Jerky

來卡加利度假時, 在Heritage Village的糖果店, 看到本來以為是小塊的牛肉乾, 沒想到居然只是牛肉鬆, 不過還是有著不錯地淡淡的辣味牛肉乾味道
I came to Calgary for vacation and saw it in a candy shop.  I thought it was small chucks of beef jerky, but it turned out to be shredded beef jerky like it said.  But it was still quite good.  It tasted  like a mild flavor of beef jerky.
Tillamook Country Smoker - Teriyaki Jerky Chew - Shredded Beef Jerky

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0013

Klondike - Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich - Giant Cookie

走路回家時, 經過一家從外面就看得出來很簡陋的便利商店, 不過卻被外面的冰筒海報給吸引進去, 後來卻挑了冰淇淋三明治, 外側是用平常的尺寸的巧克力餅乾, 夾心則是香草冰淇淋, 除了跟其他冰淇淋三明治一樣, 到最後餅乾會慢慢地被冰淇淋泡到軟軟的, 多了巧克力粒的口感, 但是卻變得太甜膩.

When I was walking home, I passed buy a crappy looking convenient store, but I was attracted by the ice cream cone poster outside the store.  But, I ended up picking a ice cream sandwich.  The cookies were regular size chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream.  It was same as other ice cream sandwich that the cookies would gradually get softer by the ice cream.  The chocolate chips added different texture, but it also made it sweeter then others.
Klondike - Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich - Giant Cookie

Friday, May 27, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0012

Godiva - Truffle Bars - Strawberry Flavour in Milk Chocolate

到Oakridge吃飯時, 發現Godiva 專賣店, 因為剛好促銷全面85折, 就挑這個來當飯後甜點, 外面牛奶巧克力的部分有點甜膩, 幾乎蓋過裡面包的草莓醬, 不過草莓醬也沒啥特別就是了.
I found Godiva store in Oakridge, when I had lunch. Because there were 25% off
entire store, I picked this for the desert for the lunch. The milk chocolate outside was quite
sweet. It overpowered the strawberry jam inside, but there wasn't anything
special about the strawberry jam anyway.
Godiva - Truffle Bars - Strawberry Flavour in Milk Chocolate

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Snack File No. 0034

Lindt - Petits Deserts Bar - Chocolate Mousse Dark

When I went pass Lindt store in Sears.  I found this amount the half price Easter chocolate, although I had no idea why it was included in the special with the golden bunnies.  It was a great value, although I am not favour in dark chocolate.
Lindt - Petits Deserts Bar - Chocolate Mousse Dark

Friday, April 22, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0011

M&M's World - Blue Bear / Jewellery Box

老公去拉斯維加斯出差時,特地到M&M's World買給我的,雖然顏色很多,但是跟一般的M& M一樣, 不過小熊還有眼睛呢.

My husband went working in Las Vegas, and made special trip to M & M's World for me. Although there were lots of colour, they were same as regular ones. And the bear came with eyes.
M&M's World - Blue Bear / Jewellery Box

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snack File No. 0033

Villars Perrier - Têtes au Chocolat - Mi-amer
Villars Perrier - Chocolate Head - Bittersweet
Villars Perrier - 巧克力頭 - 甘苦味

It was given by my husband's Switzerland international student. Base on Switzerland's official languages, I guessed the printing was in French and German.  Then, I used google translator to figure what the printing means.
Villars Perrier - Têtes au Chocolat - Mi-amer