Orbit Cookie - Haunted House House Kit - Chocolate Cookie
想不到吧, 薑餅屋這個梗換成了巧克力餅還能在萬聖節用, 不過配件跟房子不太一樣, 至少讓人不覺得騙錢.
It is unbelievable that gingerbread house trick still work on Halloween with the change of the chocolate cookie. At least, the accessories and the house was different, so you don't feel been scammed.
The step has gone from 9 to 6.
這次的配件好像比之前的少了點, 不過打開後的巧克力味道比薑母好太多了.
The accessories seem to be less then before, but after opening the package the smelt of chocolate was better then ginger.
The steps were basically same as before.
其實那一片是不用上糖霜的, 不小心就大意了.
Actually you don't put icing on that piece according to the instruction. I was not paying attention.
The new house is more square.
The icing for sticking the roof.
The icing between the root.
Only thing left is the decoration.
I think the cat was better on the root.
The writing was so ugly.
完工後簡直不能看, 門的糖霜一直上不去, 到最後感覺好像被潑柏油, 另外那兩團橘色看得出來是南瓜嗎? 後來我吧墓碑吃掉了, 幾乎不怎麼甜, 巧克力味也很淡,但是比起硬到會碎牙的薑餅好太多太多了.
It looks awful when it was finished. I can't get the icing on the door, it ended up like tars spits on the door. By the way, can you tell what the two orange things were? They were Jack o' lanterns. Afterwards, I ate the tombstone. It was almost no sweet and light chocolate favour, but it was still way better then the gingerbread that was so card that could break your teeth.
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