Thursday, November 29, 2012

Snikiddy - Baked Fries

Snikiddy - Baked Fries

在櫃檯結賬時, 看到這一包就買了, 店員裝袋時, 瞄到40%紅標, 想說賺到了, 不過要吃的時卻發現原來昨天就到期了, 難怪會被丟在櫃檯.
When I was at the counter, I saw this on the counter and I bought it.  When the cashier was putting it in a bag, I saw a 40% off red tag on the package, so I thought that was a bargain.  But later I realized that expired yesterday.  No wonder it was left on the counter by itself.
Snikiddy - Baked Fries