Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Honey

Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Honey

有人看到上次希臘優格後, 問我是否還有其它口味, 我就回到Saveway看看, 想說搞不好會有草莓啥的, 結果居然是蜂蜜.
After reading the previous post of Greek Yogurt, someone asked me if there was other flavour.  I went back to Saveway to see if there is strawberry or something.  Surprisely, I found it with honey.
Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Honey

比起果醬, 蜂蜜流得很慢, 還有一些會留在杯底, 得用小湯匙挖, 說實在的, 第一次吃到這麼甜的優格, 蜂蜜甜到跟優格搭不起來, 吃到最後只剩下蜂蜜甜膩感.
Comparing to syrup, honey flew really slow and there was some left at the bottom of the cup that I had to scoop it out.  To be honest, I had never have any yogourt this sweet.  Honey was so sweet that did not really go with yogourt.  At the end, the only thing left in my mouth was the over sweetness of honey.
Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Honey

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