Saturday, April 28, 2012

Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Blueberry & Pomegranate

Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Blueberry & Pomegranate

意外地在Saveway蔬果區看到的, 沒想到優格還有分國籍, 因為很好奇希臘的是否會不一樣就買了, 沒想到拿起來後, 居然還有機關.
I was surprised to see this in the Saveway produce section and never thought that there is differently yogourt between countries.  I was curious how Greek yogourt could be different, so I picked it up.  Then I noticed something interesting.
Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Blueberry & Pomegranate

原來優格跟水果有隔開的, 還貼心的加了折,倒果漿的時候,就不用擔心會漏出來.
Yogourt and the fruits were separated in different compartments.  There was also a folding mechanism so the syrup won't leak when pouring over the yogourt.
Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Blueberry & Pomegranate

果漿跟優格並不會相融, 但也不用特地攪拌, 優格跟一般原味而且是沒加糖的優格沒兩樣, 果漿反而很濃甜, 而且還有少許的藍梅果粒, 簡直就像果醬, 優格跟果漿的比例也很好, 果漿不會搶過優格本身的味道, 但整體來說比一般的水果優格還甜一些, 感覺反而比較像甜點.
The yogourt and the syrup stayed separated, but there was no need to mix them well.  The yogourt itself was same like regular unsweetened yogourt. The syrup was actually quite thick and sweet.  It also had bits of blueberries and was almost like jam.  The radio of the yogourt and the syrup was great too.  The syrup did not over take the flavor of the yogourt, but it was still sweater then other fruit yogourt.  Overall it felt kind like a desert.
Skotidakis - Greek Yogurt - Blueberry & Pomegranate

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