Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kracie - Popin' Cookin' - Curry Set

Kracie - Popin' Cookin' - Curry Set
Kracie - ポッピンクッキン - カレーセット

上次做了壽司, 還滿有趣的, 這次挑戰咖哩.
Last time I made sushi and it was fun. This time, I gave curry a try.
Kracie - Popin' Cookin' - Curry Set

Sunday, January 27, 2013

聯華 - 卡迪那 - 德州薯條 - 日式甜燒海苔

聯華 - 卡迪那 - 德州薯條 - 日式甜燒海苔

朋友提過Richmond的國華有賣很多台灣的零食, 就去逛了一下, 沒想到很多我知道的零食出了新口味, 像這個本來是茄汁口味, 這個零食我滿喜歡的, 雖然我不明白為什麼是是德州薯條, 難到德州的薯條比較不一樣嗎
A friend mentioned that Kuo Hua in Richmond sells lots of Taiwan snacks, so I made a trip to there.  I was surprised that many snacks I know have new flavours.  Like this one, it used to be ketchup flavour, and I like it a lot, although I never understand why it is called Taxes fries.  Are fries in Taxes different from other places?
聯華 - 卡迪那 - 德州薯條 - 日式甜燒海苔

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Snikiddy - Baked Fries

Snikiddy - Baked Fries

在櫃檯結賬時, 看到這一包就買了, 店員裝袋時, 瞄到40%紅標, 想說賺到了, 不過要吃的時卻發現原來昨天就到期了, 難怪會被丟在櫃檯.
When I was at the counter, I saw this on the counter and I bought it.  When the cashier was putting it in a bag, I saw a 40% off red tag on the package, so I thought that was a bargain.  But later I realized that expired yesterday.  No wonder it was left on the counter by itself.
Snikiddy - Baked Fries

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

グレープストーン - 東京ばな奈「見ぃつけたっ」

グレープストーン - 東京ばな奈「見ぃつけたっ」
GRAPESTONE - Tokyo Banana

阿姨在東京轉機拿時, 買給我的香蕉蛋糕, 盒子包得跟禮物一樣, 從外面看不出來裡面是什麼, 名字也猜不出所以然, 只知道保存期限才一個星期.
Auntie got some banana cake for me when she was transferring plane in Tokyo.  The box was wrapped like a gift box.  I can't tell what it was inside from the box nor the name.  I only knew that the expired date was in a week.
グレープストーン - 東京ばな奈「見ぃつけたっ」

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Burger King - Onion Rings - Flavoured Snacks

Burger King - Onion Rings - Flavoured Snacks

在販賣機買的, 原來Burger King也有賣零食.
I bought it from a vendor machine.  Now I know that Burger King sells snacks as well.
Burger King - Onion Rings - Flavoured Snacks