Thursday, September 22, 2011

Snack Mobile No. 0018

Ferrero - Ferrero Rondnoir

在台北機場轉機的時候看到, 因為之前只看過四粒裝或著混著金莎的盒裝, 沒看過24粒裝, 買3盒還有特價就狠下心買了3盒, 畢竟以金莎系列就屬黑莎是我的最愛.
I saw this while waiting transfer at Taipei Airport.  I only saw four pack or mixture of Ferrero Rocker and never saw a 24 pack before.  Besides, there were special deal for 3 boxes, so yes I did end up buying three boxes.  After all, Rondnoir is my favourite of all Ferrero.
 Ferrero - Ferrero Rondnoir

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Snack File No. 0036

乾坤農場 - 埔里酒香晶凍 - 白蘭地咖啡
Skyson Farm - Jelly - Brandy Coffee

本來到埔里參觀酒廠, 可惜到的時候已經太晚了, 只剩下商品區正忙著打烊, 被推銷了三盒, 一盒送人, 還剩下兩盒, 下次再介紹另一種口味.
By the time we arrived the Puli Brewery, it was too late for the tour and the gift shops were about to close.  I bought three boxes, but I give away 1 box.  I'll post the other flavour later.
乾坤農場 - 埔里酒香晶凍 - 白蘭地咖啡

Friday, September 9, 2011

Snack File No. 0035

華元 - 新炒麵 - 香蔥

回台灣時買了一堆零食,一整個行李箱裝得滿滿的, 開箱的時候, 發現這個被壓破了, 所以就成了第一個試吃品.
I bought a full luggage of snacks when I visited Taiwan.  When I unpack the luggage, I found this package was cracked.   This then became the first candidate.
華元 - 新炒麵 - 香蔥