Thursday, October 28, 2010

Snack File No. 0020

21 Marshmallows with Chocolate Flavored Center

我在London Drugs看到這個逗趣的南瓜燈,上頭的標簽只寫著"21顆巧克力夾心棉花糖",連哪家做的都沒寫,底下有個很大的凹槽用來減少所需填滿的數量.
I saw this cute Jack o' Lantern in London Drugs.  The label on the top only stated "21 Marshmallows with Chocolate Flavored Center" without even a brand name.  There was a big bump at the bottom to decrease the number of marshmallows to fill the whole container.

The nutrition information was located revere side of the label, but I still didn't see manufacture information, not even the place of manufacture.  It only stated the product was manufactured in a HACCP/ISO certified plant and the name of the Quebec importer.  I wonder if the place of manufacture is not required to be labelled in Quebec?

When I took the marshmallow out, I can't help to laugh it out.  A white poo!!  A white poo with chocolate inside.  I counted all of them, and there were really 21 of them.

口味與口感(Taste and texture):
The marshmallow itself was pretty much the same as regular marshmallow, but slightly harder and not as sweet.  However, the chocolate filling was horrible.  It tastes like an expired choclate that had been siting too long.
Marshmallow with chocolate filling was not special at all.  Jack o' Lantern container was quite common as well.  But I had no idea why it wasn't 20 or 25 or any other number, but 21.  A big dump was made to compromise the number.  What is the significance about it?

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